Vernice Poon

Vernice Poon Financial Services Manager About Vernice: One of the best Financial Services Managers Apex Group has ever encountered is Venice. She excels in her dual roles as a Financial Services Manager and a Client Trusted Advisor because of her excellent work ethic and dependability to both her clients and teammates. Venice is undoubtedly a leader who sets an excellent example. Memorable Moments: Being able to assist all my clients with their financial planning and most importantly when there are mishaps, they have their insurance to cover them. So that they do not need to have the financial burden of their medical bills and needs. Awards: Million Dollar Round Table Qualifier 2022 Income Summit Club Prestige Achiever 2021 Income Summit Club Classic Achiever 2020   RNF: PWC300402071 Phone: +65 9366 3824 Email:


Ren Yi Financial Consultant About Ren yi:  Renyi was previously a top banker at one of the major local banks. Other than specialising in wealth management, proper financial planning is something veryclose to Renyi’s Heart .5 years ago , she decided to join Apex Group. Renyi mantra for sustainable success in the business is : Always be Sincere and put yourself in your clients’ shoes. She is one of the most grounded and resilientindividuals we had ever seen . Awards: Million Dollar Round Table Qualifier (MDRT) 2021 & 2022 Income Summit Club Achiever 2020-2022 Signature Class Qualifier 2020-2022 Top Apexer of the year 2021   RNF: CRY300265984 Phone: +65 9660 5867 Email:

Xiong Qiang

Xiong Qiang Financial Consultant About Xiong Qiang: Prior to joining Apex Group, Xiong Qiang was working as a priority banker at a major foreign curating wealth planning the portfolio for the well-heeled individual. In 2012  he found his calling in the financial planning industry and Joined Apex group. He has a knack for tailor-made financial planning portfolio for different individuals as he believed every individual needs are different and there should not be a one size fits all solution   Memorable Moments: The biggest takeaway in my career is to assist my client in their hospitalization and medical claims.  Being sick or injured during an accident would mean physical and emotional inconvenience. In my line of work, I get the opportunity to ease the financial concerns of my client.  Every time I assist my client with their hospital claim, the smile, and gratitude from them is the reason that keeps me going all these years.   Awards: Million Dollar Round Table Qualifier 2022 Signature Class Qualifier 2021  Income Summit Club Prestige Achiever 2020   RNF: QXQ300007183 Phone: +65 9009 7039 Email:        

Yong Chuan

Yong Chuan Financial Consultant About Yong Chuan: Graduated in the year 2010, Yong Chuan gained precious working experience as an Analyst in Multinational banks (MNBs) that specialized in Exception Management handling before joining Apex Group as a Financial Consultant. Yong Chuan offers unique advisory and customized solutions to his clients to meet their personal/family/corporate financial objectives. He pays close attention to each client’s needs and concerns while providing advice and regular follow-up/reviews on their financial portfolios. Currently, Yong Chuan is a senior advisor in APEX Group and serves as a group mentor to fellow Financial Consultants. “Despite his busy schedule, Yong Chuan remains a dedicated advisor, friend, and mentor to people around him. He is also a loving husband and caring father to his family. He believes in a balanced lifestyle and has varied hobbies and interests, with traveling and food being some of his great passions.”   Awards: Million Dollar Round Table Qualifier 2019-2022  Income Summit Club Achiever 2017-2022  Signature Class Qualifier 2017-2022   RNF: TYC300269329 Phone: +65 9736 4185   Email:

Mervyn Wong

Mervyn Wong Financial Consultant About Mervyn:  Mervynis one of the most dedicated and enthusiastic people in the financial planningindustry. He is well-liked by peers and clients for his always ‘be there tohelp attitude. After more than a decade of experience in the financial planningIndustry, he has helped numerous families cushion the financial impact of ahealth crisis through his meticulous planning   Memorable Moments: The most memorable moments for me are when I can be there for our clients in their times of need, fulfilling our promise to them when they signed up for their policy with me. This really means a lot to me.   Awards:  Million Dollar Round Table Qualifier 2022 Income Summit Club Prestige Achiever 2020 Signature Class Qualifier 2020   RNF: WMK300007028 Phone: +65 9842 1516 Email:  

Marcus Goh

Marcus Goh Financial Consultant About Marcus: Marcus previously worked as an engineer with a major telco company. He joined Apex group 6 years ago with zero knowledge of the financial planning industry. With his ever-willing-to-learn attitude and systematic approach, very quickly he grasp the essence of the job and is helping the client craft plans tailored to different stages of their life Memorable Moments: Every moment when a client “Thanks!!!” me for my services. Every moment when a client refers a Family or Friend to me. All these affirmed that I am doing the right things and keep me going. Awards: Million Dollar Round Table Qualifier 2019-2022 Income Summit Club Prestige Achiever 2019-2022 Signature Class Qualifier 2018-2022 RNF: GIH300402529 Phone: +65 9752 4011 Email:

Benjamin Seah

Benjamin Seah Financial Consultant About Benjamin: Prior to joining the Apex Group, Benjamin operated a logistics company. Because of this, he has excellent calculation abilities that he uses to help his clients manage their financial planning portfolios. Benefiting clients and clients with his virtuous vision. Memorable Moments: I came across this young lady, where she started her work for about a year. The was my first time meeting her, she needed my help to claim her dad’s critical illness, she was lost and did not know what to do. I Managed to assist her and did a successful claim for her dad’s critical illnesses. Thereafter she got her whole family to be insured under my care, and her boyfriend’s whole family too.  This was something that I did not expect as I was just trying to help a young lady who is the eldest in the family and needed assist for her dad’s claim. Moments like these mean a lot to me as you know that you had gained the trust of a person and their family and made a positive impact on their lives.   Awards: Million Dollar Round Table Qualifier 2022 Income Summit Club Prestige Achiever 2020 Signature Class Qualifier 2020′   RNF: SJB300245270 Phone: +65 9747 4899 Email:

Anne Ng

Anne Ng Financial Consultant About Anne: Having worked for a renowned local bank for many years, Anne is highly qualified to provide her clients with excellent financial planning services, making her dependable to both clients and coworkers. She has shown a strong work ethic throughout her career.   Memorable Moments: I am committed to being my clients’ lifelong financial adviser – to journey through with them important personal milestones, help them to be ready for unforeseen moments, and achieve production goals. “Thank You” from clients is the most heartening word from them that give me immeasurable power to push me on to make positive changes in all lives! Awards: Million Dollar Round Table Qualifier 2022  Income Summit Club Prestige Achiever 2020 & 2021  Signature Class Qualifier 2020    RNF: Phone: +65 9072 2229 Email:

Adrian Tay

Adrian Tay Financial Consultant About Adrian: Adrian serves as a Financial Consultant at Apex Group and focuses on client satisfaction. He has a solid knowledge base and embodies principles that are sympathetic, which motivate him to give his clients sound advice about their financial planning portfolios. Memorable Moments: Most memorable moments are times when I know that my work made a difference. The sense of achievement after receiving commenda1on letter, texts, and acknowledgments from clients are priceless. It is also the bond and trust that are fostered along the way, changing a business relationship into a personal one. Truly amazing.   Awards: Million Dollar Round Table Qualifier 2021  Signature Club Qualifier 2021 Income Summit Club Prestige Achiever 2021 Income Summit Club Prestige Achiever 2020      RNF: TSH300000247 Phone: +65 9747 0734 Email: